The Way To Weight Loss Blog

This Blog is an aid to help those of us who have had a problem with weight loss and diet. For some of us it has been a frustrating and sad process but there are new developments. There are programs and medications on the horizon that finally gives more than hope to us all, so the future FINALLY looks Bright.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Can Liposuction Lead To Death?

Liposuction is a very popular surgery. When made by a certified, well trained, well experienced surgeon there shouldn’t be any problems or complications.

The number of death cases is controversial, some say 5 to 100,000 and some say more, but does it really matter how many? Even 1 to 100,000 is still a risk and before having the liposuction or any other surgery, the patient should make a small research of his/ her own and ask as many questions as possible to make sure nothing tragic is going to happen.
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There are two kinds of liposuction surgeries:local and general. The more fat is being suctioned the greater the risk. The patient should consider having a local liposuction to take out the fat in specific areas or if a general liposuction is needed, in which a lot of fat will be taken out at one time and leave the patient at greater risk.

What are the risks and can they happen to anyone?Like every other surgery liposuction has its own risks and complications, even if you are a healthy person, and when the wrong surgeon is performing the surgery the results might be deadly. Some of the risks and complications can be fixed with another surgery or some antibiotics, such as infections and asymmetry, but some of the complications can be deadly if the wrong surgeon is performing the surgery.

Although common, the surgery should be taken very seriously from both sides:the surgeon and the patient.

The deadly risks and complications:

1. Fluid overload: while fat is suctioned from the body, fluid also suctioned and can cause dehydration. Therefore the surgeon gives the patient fluid infusion. If too much fluid is given, the fluid might get into the lungs and get them to collapse causing the patient breathing incapability and death.

2. Internal body parts: while inserting the liposuction instrument, the surgeon, if not experienced, might hurt other organs and leave the patient at risk.

3. Blood clots: liposuction may cause blood clots which may cause death even a few hours after the surgery is over.

4. Heart attack: the anesthetic substance given to the patient is Lidocaine which is very common substance. The problem with the substance is that it lowers the heart rate and therefore can cause heart attack.

The liposuction surgery is common but has its risks. The most important thing is to be reasonable about the surgery and make sure it is the best solution for the fat problem. Learning about complications, risks and also keeping alert to any health change or bad feeling is very important to ensure the surgery will go successfully with no complications.

About the author:
MaryRogers professional appearance advisor

John V
JohnC.Vincent/CEO/TheOpt.In Magic System



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