The Way To Weight Loss Blog

This Blog is an aid to help those of us who have had a problem with weight loss and diet. For some of us it has been a frustrating and sad process but there are new developments. There are programs and medications on the horizon that finally gives more than hope to us all, so the future FINALLY looks Bright.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Manifesting UnHandy Money And Weight

Recently I was in the company of a friend of my sisters. Her name for the purpose of this newsletter is Ginger.

Ginger is about 100 pounds overweight, not in great health, and has
money concerns.

Ginger is also very funny, and is a joy to be around. She makes me
laugh outloud a lot.

My sister made a comment about money. Then I made a comment
about money as to how good money is. Then totally out of left field,
Ginger made this comment: *It's no disgrace being poor, but it sure is

I turned as if the moment was in slow motion. I said: *Ginger? Where
did that come from?*

Meaning...the wisdom of that comment and the way she said it, was
not what any of us knew about her.

She twice that day made a comment, that the next time around, she
was not going to lead a miserable life, noting that she was miserable
in her daily life.

Ginger was not making the statement from a victim perspective. She
was being very matter of fact, and had taken responsibility for her
own choices. She even said that as fact.

Ginger is married, with grown children and a husband. So for those of
you who thought maybe she was single and lonely, no, that's not it.
(As if being single equals lonely!)

That piece of wisdom that came from her, told me more about her in
that moment, than for as long as I had known her. I only knew her
casually, as she's been my sisters friend.

In her own words, and very matter of fact she said she had low self
esteem, and she knew it. But next time around she would do better. cant be that way around me for too long before I'll open
my mouth a bit. And as soon as I began my thing, she began to
blossom, and actually in small ways began doing a few things that
day, she would not have done before.

My sister is watching this, and getting a bit jealous of the attention Im
giving her friend. So darn if I didn't have to fix that one later!

By the time I finished with Ginger, she had negotiated herself into a
job working for me and being paid 3 Million per year !

My point to this story is that she is like many of us. We might weigh a
bit more than we want to. We weigh more because it helps us to feel
better eating something for a moment, that then takes our mind briefly
off of our money lives, our relationships and our health.

For some of us, we are so deep into thinking that we have no hope in
our lives, that we live out our days like Ginger. Just getting thru the
day somehow.

Ginger never really complains. She doesn't complain about money,
just like many people, it would sure would be nice to have a lot more
of it. And she's right, there's nothing wrong about being poor, but it
sure is unhandy.

If you are poor, which then reflects in your life showing up in an
unhandy way, are you like Ginger? Have you resolved yourself to the
fact that there is no way out from where you are to where you want to

If you weigh more than you'd like, have you resolved yourself to the
fact that you will always and must live in that body?

There is a way out. It involves being willing to expand into your next,
instead of staying still and swimming in the same bath water day after
day, year after year.

In simple terms, it means......teach yourself some manifesting skills.
They work, and then your life becomes quite *handy*.......

Oh and by the way, Ginger wanted to know if I used her wise
statement for my newsletter, was I going to pay her a royalty?

Seems her esteem button has moved up a notch or two!

When Ginger loses her 100 pounds, she's gonna be a power to reckon
with! All that buried wisdom will surface and I'd better move out of
the way or she will move me! (Susan James/Copyright)

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