The Way To Weight Loss Blog

This Blog is an aid to help those of us who have had a problem with weight loss and diet. For some of us it has been a frustrating and sad process but there are new developments. There are programs and medications on the horizon that finally gives more than hope to us all, so the future FINALLY looks Bright.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Top 7 Guiding Principles To Extraordinary Weight Loss In 7 Days

We, The Detox Diet Divas, Scrub the cells of our body to
uncover the vital, lean, happy, joyful being we were designed
to be! That's right: scrubbing, cleaning – detoxifying from the
inside out and the outside in. Getting the junk out.

You may be thinking… why do we want to focus on cleansing and
detoxifying at a cellular level? What does that have to do with
weight loss?!

The Diva's Answer: Cellular health has been the missing link in
zillions of diets on the market, and cleansing your cells will
not only melt away the pounds but will also give energy,
clarity, emotional balance, and vitality which you may not have
experienced since infancy.

When our precious cells and internal fluids are acidic from
eating too much sugar, refined and processed foods, coffee,
tea, alcohol, etc., etc., etc, they just aren't functioning at
top performance by any means. Your blood is fighting and
working like a crazy lady to maintain a clean, balanced
environment. As a matter of fact, blood must preserve a healthy
balanced internal pH of 7.3 (pH is measured from 0-14, 7 being
neutral – below 7 is acidic and above 7 is alkaline).

The KEY as revealed by Dr. Robert Young, in the pH Miracle for
Weight Loss: When the cells (which make up the blood) are
overly acidic, the blood will do anything it can to balance. It
will do so by stuffing the acidic waste in fat cells! The body
actually creates fat cells to carry acids away from your vital
organ, so these acids don't literally choke your organs to
death. Fat is a response from the body to an alarming condition

So how do Diva's rejuvenate their cells for weight loss and
radiant living?

There are 7 Guiding Principles of the DETOX DIET DIVAS. These
principles take in to consideration all aspects of your life.
This is a program for living so it will encompass much more
than what you consume. Let's get started:

1. Drink Water - You know this one right? - Lots of water! 1
liter per 30 lbs. of your body weight. But did you know this?
You need to drink clean, purified, ALKALINE water. There are
many ways to alkalize water, but the simplest is by adding a
teaspoon of baking soda to a 16 ounce glass of water and then
add lemons. (Yes, lemons are alkalizing.)

2. Sweat - with low impact exercise. Great possibilities are
one or more of the following: elliptical machines, rebounders,
a fast paced walk, biking, swimming, or the latest . The key
here Diva's is to sweat, sweat, sweat! Acidic overload is
removed from the body when we perspire.

3. Consume Alkaline Foods – 80% of your diet should be
alkaline-based. What is alkaline? Green Foods: foods that have
life and oxygen like spinach, cucumbers, lettuce, grapefruit,
lemon, almonds (raw), and coconut milk. I have a detailed list
available at And you're going to have
to let go of those highly acidic foods that are keeping those
acid fat cells happy. These include: Coffee, Black Tea,
Alcohol, sugar (or anything ending in "ose" like fructose),
honey and agave (although Stevia is okay), white flour, and any
processed foods. We want to rejuvenate our cells by eating foods
that are rich in energy and nutrients.

4. Reduce Stress – Most Diva's love these options: Yoga,
Meditation, Deep Breathing Exercises, Tai Chi and other martial
arts, reading, sitting by a stream…. The possibilities are
endless and wonderful to imagine!

5. Positive SELF-TALK – The words we speak and think have
tremendous power in impacting the acidity of your cellular
makeup. When you speak in positive, loving and uplifting ways,
the pH of your cells take a huge leap forward toward
Alkalinity. Think before you speak.

6. Take Nutritional Supplements and include a high quality
SUPERGREEN -- You'll give your body a huge helping hand if
you'll supplement the nourishment of your cells with vital
concentrated nutrients found in SuperGreens and mineral
supplements that alkalize the cellular fluids with sodium
bicarbonate, potassium, magnesium, and calcium.

7. Use the power of VISUALIZATION – Envision yourself right now
as that lean, radiant Diva you are. See yourself having attained
the weight and the extraordinary life you desire. The power of
visualization is HUGE!

Look at how you can incorporate these changes little by little
into all aspects of your daily living. Before you eat anything
ask yourself "is this going to help my cells or hurt my
cells.". If you are upset about anything, instead of reacting,
take a long deep breath in, then exhale slowly, and just let it
go. You will be giving your magnificent cellular makeup a
tremendous gift. If you want help, I'm available for individual

About The Author:

John V

John C. Vincent/CEO/The Opt-In Magic System

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