The Way To Weight Loss Blog

This Blog is an aid to help those of us who have had a problem with weight loss and diet. For some of us it has been a frustrating and sad process but there are new developments. There are programs and medications on the horizon that finally gives more than hope to us all, so the future FINALLY looks Bright.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Weight Loss Diets: Fact And Fiction, Part 1

The weight loss industry is a booming industry worth billions
of dollars annually. It therefore should be no surprise that we
are constantly being bombarded with new `miracle' products and
weight loss programs that will shed the pounds quickly and
without much effort. Navigating the plethora of dieting
information to distinguish between fact and fiction can be
difficult, but it is certainly not impossible.

A good starting place to discover the truth is actually to
uncover the fiction. Once we know what isn't true, we can
concentrate on genuine information that supports weight loss.

Here are four of the most common weight loss myths:

Skipping Meals Will Help You Lose Weight

The idea behind this is that if you eat less food, you will
automatically lose weight. While on the surface this sounds
like it should work, it doesn't take into account the body's
metabolic response to what it sees as starvation. It slows
right down to give you the best chance of survival. This means
that you burn fewer calories. The truth of the matter is,
eating more often but smaller healthy meals raises the
metabolic rate and aids weight loss.

You Can Eat What You Want As Long As You Exercise

You have to do an awful lot of exercise to burn off a chocolate
bar. The value of exercise is not so much that it burns calories
(although that certainly helps), it is that it raises the
metabolic rate so that you burn more calories faster all
through the day. If you need to lose weight, you cannot eat
what you want. You do need to exercise discipline while you
shed those extra pounds.

Diet Pills Will Make You Slim

Diet pills do not make you slim. Most diet pills are designed
to suppress hunger and it is not eating as much that helps you
lose weight. However, diet pills do not control the calories or
fat content of the food you do eat, so you might eat less food
but still the wrong food. Furthermore, pharmaceutical diet
pills have unwanted side effects that can have long term
affects on your health. Some natural diet pills such as hoodia
gordonii have the advantage of suppressing appetite without
side effects, so if you must go down this path, they are the
preferred option. Nevertheless, simply eating less will not
guarantee weight loss unless the food you are eating is healthy
and calorie controlled so that you can lose weight and maintain
good health.

Calorie Restriction Is The Best Way To Lose Weight

The Calorie Restriction Diet is a controversial diet founded on
the belief that severe calorie restriction slows the aging
process. Many people believe that substantial calorie reduction
will reduce metabolic stress and in so doing, increase life
span. Calorie counting on its own is not good dietary practice.
While it is true that counting calories can be very helpful in
managing energy intake, the quality of those calories is very
important. The nutritional impact of the food eaten is very
important and will affect all aspects of health, including
weight stabilization.

About The Author: Learn about Weight loss dietplans at

John V

John C. Vincent/CEO/The Opt-In Magic System

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