The Way To Weight Loss Blog

This Blog is an aid to help those of us who have had a problem with weight loss and diet. For some of us it has been a frustrating and sad process but there are new developments. There are programs and medications on the horizon that finally gives more than hope to us all, so the future FINALLY looks Bright.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

7 Forbidden Foods For Weight Loss

To lose weight not only you need to be pretty aware of what you
eat, when you eat, how much you eat but also have the
understanding about the food you should avoid as much as
possible. There are some foods which if you consume them on a
daily basis will slow down or even prevent you from losing

Those foods can be included into your diet sparingly, on a day
you treat yourself.

1. Caffeine

This is applicable not only for coffee or tea but also to
anything that has caffeine in it, like coke or pepsi. Since you
need to drink a lot of water in order to lose weight, put a
slice of lemon or lime in it. Taste delicious.

Drinking coffee on a daily basis became a habit for most of us
and we stopped counting how many coffee cups we had per day. We
start the day with a delicious cappuccino or latte from the cafe
on our way to work, then drinking it on every break we have,
even finishing with the last cup after the dinner. The truth is
you have to start controlling this habit. Have the most one cup
of coffee per day.

2. Alcohol

This is a big enemy in any weight loss plan. It is alright to
drink a glass of wine with your dinner two or three times a
week, but not the entire bottle. Moderation is the key with
alcoholic beverages. The best way is to have a drink on your
treat day only.

3. Pre Packaged Foods

As a big rule, stay away from these products as much as you
can. They contain a lot of chemicals and are not going to be
good for your diet. To lose weight you must eat your food as
fresh as possible and not to rely on those pre packed foods
stuffed with loads of saturated fat. In this way your wish to
become thinner will fade away.

4. White rice, bread, pastas

Those are the products which you should eat only occasionally,
maybe when you are eating out or visiting your family and
friends. They contain starches that can inhibit your weight
loss. Go for brown rice, whole meal bread and pastas. They taste
just as good.

5. Canned and Jar Foods

Anything that is canned or jarred should be avoided as they
contain huge amounts of sugar and salt. The best choice is to
stick to fresh fruits and vegetables.

6. Meat

The best choice is to go on a vegetarian diet. Use pulses, soya
products and green vegetables as a substitute for meat. They
have lots of healthy protein and are low in fat.

7. Dairy

If you like milk, the first choice should be skimmed milk over
whole milk. Drink milk in moderation. Cheese contains lots of
fat so avoid it at all cost. If you however really can not live
without it, go for the low fat option and use it sparingly. Eggs
may be alright if you use only the whites. You can buy the egg
substitute instead when baking or cooking at home.

About The Author: Mr. Subodh Gupta has been interviewed by
various TV channels in India and London and is also the author
of two books. For reaching to Subodh Gupta Yoga website

John V
Weight Loss
/CEO/The Opt-In Magic System

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